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Global files

Nipoppy requires two global files for specifying local data/container paths and recruitment manifest.

Global configs: global_configs.json

  • This is a dataset-specific file and needs to be modified based on local configs and paths
  • This file is used as an input to all workflow runscripts to read, process and track available data
  • Copy, rename, and populate sample_global_configs.json
  • This file contains:
    • Name of the Nipoppy dataset (DATASET_NAME, e.g., PPMI)
    • Path to the Nipoppy dataset (DATASET_ROOT)
    • Path to a local CONTAINER_STORE comprising containers used by several workflow scripts
    • Path to a Singularity executable (SINGULARITY_PATH)
    • Path to a TemplateFlow directory, if using fMRIPrep (TEMPLATEFLOW_DIR)
    • List of session IDs (SESSION, for MRI data) and visit IDs (VISITS, for tabular data)
    • Containers + versions for BIDS conversion: HeuDiConv, BIDS validator (BIDS)
    • List of processing pipelines + versions (PROC_PIPELINES)
    • Information about tabular data (TABULAR)
      • Version and path to the data dictionary (data_dictionary)


Nipoppy uses the term "session" to refer to a session ID string with the "ses-" prefix. For example, ses-01 is a session, and 01 is the session ID associated with this session.


Although not mandatory, for consistency the preferred location would be: <DATASET_ROOT>/proc/global_configs.json.

Sample global_configs.json

    "DATASET_NAME": "MyDataset",
    "DATASET_ROOT": "/path/to/MyDataset",
    "CONTAINER_STORE": "/path/to/container_store",
    "SINGULARITY_PATH": "singularity",
    "TEMPLATEFLOW_DIR": "/path/to/templateflow",

    "SESSIONS": ["ses-1","ses-5","ses-7","ses-9","ses-11"],

    "BIDS": {
        "heudiconv": {
            "VERSION": "0.11.6",    
            "CONTAINER": "heudiconv_{}.sif",
            "URL": ""
            "CONTAINER": "bids_validator.sif",
            "URL": ""


        "mriqc": {
            "VERSION": "",
            "CONTAINER": "mriqc_{}.sif",
            "URL": ""
        "fmriprep": {
            "VERSION": "20.2.7",
            "CONTAINER": "fmriprep_{}.sif",
            "URL": ""
        "freesurfer": {
            "VERSION": "6.0.1",
            "CONTAINER": "fmriprep_{}.sif",
            "URL": ""

Participant manifest: manifest.csv

  • This list serves as the ground truth for subject and visit (i.e. session) availability
  • Create the manifest.csv in <DATASET_ROOT>/tabular/ comprising following columns:
    • participant_id: ID assigned during recruitment (at times used interchangeably with subject_id)
    • visit: label to denote participant visit for data acquisition
      • Note: we recommend that visits describe a timeline if possible, for example BL, M12, M24 (for Baseline, Month 12, and Month 24 respectively).
        • Alternatively, visits should be ordinal and ideally named with the V prefix (e.g., V01, V02)
    • session: alternative naming for visit - typically used for imaging data to comply with BIDS standard
    • datatype: a list of acquired imaging datatype as defined by BIDS standard
  • New participant are appended upon recruitment as new rows
  • Participants with multiple visits (i.e. sessions) should be added as separate rows

Sample manifest.csv

participant_id visit session datatype
001 V01 ses-01 ["anat","dwi","fmap","func"]
001 V02 ses-02 ["anat"]
002 V01 ses-01 ["anat","dwi"]
002 V03 ses-03 ["anat","dwi"]